Understanding vegetation mapping


Young orienteers in the Learn to Train stage of development and newer adult orienteers should be learning a few things about the way vegetation is mapped:

  • The darker green an area is on the map the thicker the vegetation / forest is in the terrain
  • Forest mapping represents both the runnability and the visibility. Areas of low vegetation where the runnability is reduced but the visibility is generally still high are marked with thin green stripes.
  • Edges of vegetation symbols are typically indistinct in the terrain. Distinct edges are marked with the distinct vegetation boundary symbol (black dots or short dark green dashes). Orienteers should be able to identify these boundaries in the terrain as well as on the map. 


The following links point to resources that have been collected and are relevant to this skill (?).

Map surveying (o-training.net)


"Map surveying is a good exercise in order to understand properly how a map is built up."

Map without paths


"Make a course on a map from which all paths have been removed."